
Graph Representation of BIM Models (Ph.D. Project at Technion)

[14] Utkucu, D., Ying, H., Wang, Z. and Sacks, R., 2024. Classification of architectural and MEP BIM objects for building performance evaluation. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 61, p.102503. Paper, Dataset

[13] Wang, Z.*, Sacks, R., Ouyang, B., Ying, H. and Borrmann, A., 2024. A Framework for Generic Semantic Enrichment of BIM Models. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 38(1), p.04023038. Paper

[12] Wang, Z.*, Ouyang, B. and Sacks, R., 2023. Graph-based inter-domain consistency maintenance for BIM models. Automation in Construction, 154, p.104979. Paper

[11] Wang, Z.*, Ying, H., Sacks, R. and Borrmann, A., 2023. CBIM: A Graph-based Approach to Enhance Interoperability Using Semantic Enrichment. In Proc. of The 30th EG-ICE: International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. Paper

[10] Wang, Z.*, Ouyang, B. and Sacks, R., 2023. CBIM: object-level cloud collaboration platform for supporting across-domain asynchronous design. In Proceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction and the 40th International CIB W78 Conference. Paper

[9] Sacks, R.*, Wang, Z., Ouyang, B., Utkucu, D., Chen, S., 2022. Toward artificially intelligent cloud-based building information modelling for collaborative multidisciplinary design. Advanced Engineering Informatics, p. 101711. Paper, Data

[8] Ouyang, B., Wang, Z.*, Sacks, R., 2022. Semantic Enrichment of Object Associations across Federated BIM Semantic Graphs in a Common Data Environment. In Proc. of European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM) 2022. Paper

[7] Wang, Z.*, Sacks, R. and Yeung, T., 2021. Exploring graph neural networks for semantic enrichment: Room type classification. Automation in Construction, p.104039. Awarded Thrope Medal, Paper, Code

[6] Wang, Z., Yeung, T., Sacks, R.* and Su, Z., 2021, October. Room Type Classification for Semantic Enrichment of Building Information Modeling Using Graph Neural Networks. In Proc. of the Conference CIB W78 (Vol. 2021, pp. 11-15). Best Paper Award Paper

PPE Detection by Deep Learning (Graduate Project at Cranfield)

[5] Wang, Z., Cai, Z. and Wu, Y.*, 2023. An improved YOLOX approach for low-light and small object detection: PPE on tunnel construction sites. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 10(3), pp.1158-1175. Paper

[4] Wang, Z., Wu, Y., Yang, L., Thirunavukarasu, A., Evison, C. and Zhao, Y.*, 2021. Fast personal protective equipment detection for real construction sites using deep learning approaches. Sensors, 21(10), p.3478. Paper, Dataset

Temperature Distribution in Cold-region Tunnels (Graduate Project at CSU)

[3] Peng, X., Yimin, W., Wang, Z.* and Le, H., 2020. Distribution laws of freeze-thaw cycles and unsaturated concrete experiments in cold-region tunnels. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 172, p.102985. Paper

[2] Wu, Y., Xu, P.*, Li, W., Wang, Z., Cai, Z. and Shao, S., 2020. Distribution rules and key features for the lining surface temperature of road tunnels in cold regions. Cold regions science and technology, 172, p.102979. Paper

Tunnel 3D Reconstruction (Undergraduate Project at CQJTU)

[1] Wang, Z., Ma H., Xiong Y., Yang Q., Zheng J.*, 2018. The method of tunnel 3D reconstruction basing on changeable photography. Science of Surveying and Mapping (in Chinese). 06, 72-77. Paper